Reid's Farm Part 2
A popular subject for early railway artists?
The Liverpool & Manchester Railway (L&MR) opened in 1830 and Reid's Farm was an early stopping-place, first appearing in fare schedules in 1831. The first part of this post looked at how Reid's Farm got and lost its name, subsequently becoming known as Barton Moss (which I take to be a subset of Chat Moss in the context of . . .
Posted in: artworkbarton mossbuildingchat mossisaac shawliverpool & manchester railwayopensimstationthomas talbot bury
The life and times of Isaac Shaw
Pioneer railway artist of the L&MR
The two railway artists
Two artists feature most prominently in the early history of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway (L&MR). Thomas Talbot Bury was an architecture student who recorded the early days of the L&MR and then went onto a well-documented career as an architect.
By comparison what we know of Isaac . . .
Mona's Isle
An early railway advert at Crown Street station
Hidden gems
The artist and scene painter Isaac Shaw left us a portfolio of interesting prints of the early Liverpool & Manchester Railway (L&MR), including one of Crown Street station:
I will return to talk about the picture at a later date but Shaw kindly included an interesting detail on the righthand . . .